Pitching emails can sometimes seem like applying for that one job that you’ve always wanted but never knew what to say on the application paper. As a blogger, we can’t just sit and wait for brands to come to us. Let me repeat that, as an entrepreneur, do not sit there and wait for the jobs to come to you. You have to go after the jobs and brands that you want to work with, and you accomplish that by sending them a pitch email that’s concise, riveting and informational.

Here are my 5 hard and fast rules when it comes to sending the perfect pitch email.
- Before you send off that pitch email, know about the brand! Do research about the company, what they sell and how you can help them create content or reach a new audience.
- Organically draw the attention of the brand. Whether it’s through non-sponsored post or tagged stories, show them that you use their products or shop with them.
- Include in the pitch email:
- Intriguing subject line
- Statistics
- monthly views
- engagement rate
- audience demographic
- Include major brand work that you’ve done and links in the email they can quickly click on and view the work.
- Be truthful and speak genuinely.
This pitch email should not be long. Just like you don’t read long caption but skim over them, most people won’t take the time to read a lengthy long email so keep it simple, short and sweet.
You can include your press kit in an attachment if you would like and that should have more information about you and your body of work and verifiable statistics. If you don’t have a press kit that’s okay. Send over your engagement rate, growth track and non-brand work you’ve done in the body of the pitch email. If you need a press kit, reach out to @mediakitgirl on instagram. She does amazing work.
So, what are the do’s and don’t’s when pitching yourself? I spoke with the Marketing Director of a major brand and here are some tips she gave along with my own tips:
- Don’t be long-winded
- Don’t diminish your accomplishment or status
- Don’t talk about bringing them exposure most brands already have exposure
- Do Come up with specific ways you can help the brand
- Do have clickable links to your social pages in the email
- Do send them examples of how you’ve styled or used their pieces in the past
- Do talk about prior work you’ve done with other brands
Now, you’re thinking, girl give us an example so we can copy and paste (LOL)! Here are a couple of them:
Subject Line: Influencer Collaboration Opportunity| Funmi Ford
Hi _______,
Introduction: My name is _____ and I’m a ______ blogger. I’ve been wearing BRAND for a while now and would love to collaborate with you for this upcoming season (mention season)
Brand Awareness: My blog __________ is a fashion and lifestyle blog which encourages women to love their bodies and grow their minds. I know my audience would resonate well with your brand and your motto of _________. I would love to collaborate and show my audience how to style your upcoming summer collection.
Pitch: I would love to create blog and social content to highlight your upcoming summer season campaigns for (insert brand name) t Is this something you’d be interested in or find helpful?
Qualitative Statistics: For your reference, here are my Blog & Instagram Stats:
· ________ impressions last 7 days
· ____% engagement rate, ______ followers
· ______ Monthly Page views, _______ Unique Monthly Page views
· ______ Monthly Unique Users, ________ Unique Monthly Sessions
Work History: I have previously had the privilege of working with these amazing brands:
Johnsons Baby
I would love to create content for your amazing brand! If you’re interested, I would love to discuss a collaboration and rate that would be beneficial for for both (insert brand) and (insert blog/your brand name).

Subject Line: Gift Guide for Mother’s Day- Brand Collaboration with @funmiford
Hey (name of brand contact),
I’ve used Honest Brand for a couple of years now and your diapers were my go-to for my toddler and now for my new little one. I particularly love your stance on your products being safe, effective and clean (fyi this is the brands motto). I know my audience of mom bloggers and women in general would love to see what new products you have for the upcoming summer season.
My blog, FunmiFord, attracts over ______ page views/month with an engagement rate around ___%. My Instagram business page @funmiford sees about a ___% engagement rate and generates ______ impressions per post.
With Mother’s Day around the corner, I’d love to share some your newest products with my engaged readers. I am very excited about the Honest Brand’s mama care line. As a mom with a new born baby, the “Me Moment Soaking Salts” is a product I know my new mommy’s and my women followers will gravitate towards.
I would love to collaborate with you all soon and look forward to discussing rates and pitch ideas with your team.
Thank you,
I hope this post has helped you in some way. Remember the early bird gets the worm, so stop waiting for opportunity to drop in your email and start aggressively going after the brands yourself. A great way to get an email from a brand is to send them a direct message or post them in your stories and when they reply back ask them for the email of the marketing department. However you do it, get the email and get to work.
Share this with a friend or someone who would love to get into the influencer market. Follow me on instagram @funmiford and stay safe during these trying times.