“An influencer rate card is as essential as a business card”
First what is the difference between a press kit and an influencer rate card? A press-kit is like your resume, a rate card is a break down of your services and the prices per service. You wouldn’t put your desired annual pay on your resume, so why would you put your influencer rates into your press-kit? However, I know bloggers that have their rate card in their press-kit, but I like to keep them separate. Like a press-kit, an influencer rate card is essential when it comes to branding yourself and your services and getting PAID.

Options booboo, give them options. A rate sheet should include options that a brand can pick from. You wouldn’t go to a restaurant that only sold bread…just bread…dassit! You go to places that have options. With that in mind, make sure your Influencer rate card includes prices per post, various packages for them to pick from, and a breakdown of the services provided for said packages. Look at the example below: (these are not my personal rates)

- Branded: Make sure your rate card syncs well with your brand, blog and personality. Pick colors that go well with your personal brand.
- Stats: Add a quantitative statistic on the page. I added that my monthly page views on Instagram is approximately 685K
- Options: In this rate card I added three different options for them to pick from. Some brands may want social shares only and some may want social shares and a blog post, giving them options makes them more likely to pick you over another blogger.
- Contact: Include your name, social sites/webiste, email address and phone number
This is just a basic rate card/sheet. You can always customize your rate sheet for a particular brand or campaign.
Now that you know what an influencer rate card or sheet should include, how do you come up with the numbers? Let me start out by saying, IT DOESN’T MATTER HOW MANY FOLLOWERS YOU HAVE, YOU CAN STILL CHARGE YOUR WORTH AND THEN SOME! Before you send your influencer rate card out, make sure you are ready to deliver what is stated on the sheet AND, make sure you ask them their budget first so you can tailor your prices to them. Start higher so you can negotiate to an amount that you both are comfortable with.

There are sites like FOHR that help you calculate how much you should be charging per post. But when it comes to calculating your rates, make sure to look at these factors:
- follower count: How many people follow you
- engagement: Do your followers like and comment on your posts? Calculate your engagement rate by: dividing the average number of likes and comments you get by your follower count
- demographics: Who is your audience and do they match the brands target audience. If a brand is looking for working women under 25 years and your audience is 85% composed of this group of people, you can charge more because you fit what they are looking for.
- content quality: What type of camera do you use? Will they get the dimensions, dpi/ppi’s and quality they need? Is the content well edited? Is it quality content?
- talent fee: what it costs you to create the content…i.e. makeup, equipment, photographer fee, licensing fee, etc
A great way to calculate your fee is this formula. You can use it to come up with your BASE pay: $100 x 10,000 followers + extras = total rate. You can then build on this and add licensing fee, talent fee and so on. Another method of coming up with a fee schedule is calculating it by percentage. A lot of bloggers and influencers charge 4% of their following per Instagram post. For example if you have 10K followers, 4% of that would be $400 per post. There is no standardization when it comes to the influencer marketing industry so find out what fee schedule works for you. But, like I said, always be willing and open to negotiate higher or lower. Take a look at this great fee breakdown via Later

To sum it up, when it comes to coming up with a pay schedule for your work there is no right or wrong way. I just wanted to give you a couple of ways that work well for different influencers. Find a formula from above and tailor it to fit your needs. Remember, when pitching, have a higher rate and a base rate you won’t go below and always be willing to negotiate with the brand. Check out my last post on how to pitch like a boss HERE.
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