Baby Baby Baby

Baby Essentials: 0-6 months

Baby Essentials that you’ll need from newborn to one years old

I am a mother of two. Whew, ask me that when I was 21 and I would have laughed and told you I wanted no kids. But, now life would not be the same without my little munchkins. I have two amazing boys, Sammy and Solly and they make my life so much fuller. With my first born I overstepped and bought everything I needed and didn’t need. I went crazy. When I got pregnant with my second son, I was more cautious and only bought exactly what I needed. FYI, never once did I ever use a changing table….SMH

My son Solomon was born January 2020 and I want to give you some of the baby essentials that’s helping me crush life as a mum of two. But first let me show you some of his newborn pics…yes I’m the mum with hundred of baby pictures in her phone. His newborn pictures were taken at 4 days of age by Angie Lansdon Photography (she is the best).

The first item any new mum thinks about is a diaper bag. It’s the item that you take and bring back from the hospital that’s not your baby or a car seat. So, how do you pick a diaper bag that works with your budget and taste.



I looked for a diaper bag that was functional, would not break the bank and had some features such as ability to keep bottle cool and charge my phone lol! Here are some of my favorite diaper bags. The first two are the ones that I personally purchased from Target and Amazon.

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baby essentials


One of the most important things you will get for your newborn baby is the carseat. You cannot even take your baby out of the hospital until the nurses have your carseat. Sidenote: you can go to the fire department and they will register and install your carseat for you before baby comes. The fire department will make sure there aren’t any recalls on your car seat! You DO NOT want to pick a carseat just for looks! Make sure it is able to keep baby safe in case anything happens. I have done research on the best carseats for 2020 and I’m listing some of my favorites. The first one is the one I have for baby Solly.

Britax B-Safe 35 System
baby essentials
Chicco Bravo Travel System
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Gracco SnugRide 35


Now, this is the BEST part of shopping for your new baby. You can go crazy on baby clothes that your newborn will outgrow in literally a matter of weeks. With Sammy I bought every shoe and clothing item and filled up his whole closet and then some of mine. I learned my lesson with my second son. I only bought items that were inexpensive and he could grow into. Here are the onesies and sleepwear that are essentials for your new baby love.

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baby essentials
baby essentials
Baby essentials


I should call this section lifesavers or work mode essentials…lol! These rockers and playpens allow mommy to get a little break while baby is occupied. My son literally sleeps in his rocker. The first rocker is one I have personally and now that my son is outgrowing it…I’m so sad. You’ll want to have at least one of these in your arsenal.

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baby essentials


Co-sleeping with baby is just not a good idea. I remember the first time my baby fell out of bed, I learned my lesson. I went out and bought a baby bed he loved and was comfortable in and he never slept with us again. The first two pictures are the baby bed that both Sammy and Solly use and love. The first bed actually went in bed with us in-between me and hubby. It made waking up to breastfeed him so much easier.

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baby essentials
baby essentials
baby essentials


Now these items are needed and they go into a lot of different categories. They range from car seat covers (YOU WILL WANT TO HAVE ONE) to camera moniters and other essentials. The Vtech monitor is what I have in both my boys rooms and it’s amazing.

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baby essentials
baby essentials
baby essentials
baby essentials

Besides diapers and wipes, these essentials are all you’ll need for a happy baby. Anything else is just icing on the cake. These items also make great baby shower gifts for any expecting friend or relative. I am not a pro at parenting, I’m learning just like any other stressed, sleep deprived, loving mum. If there was an essential that I didn’t list that you know of, comment down below and let me know.

Don’t forget to check out my last post on How to shoot indoors during Covid-19 and also my Favorite Bath Products from Johnson’s Baby. Find me on Instagram for more information at @funmiford or on Facebook at Houseofodara.


About Author

Lover of God.Lover of Fashion.Wife of Sam Ford.Mother of Duece