So, I started an instagram page, now what?
This is the question that I get all the time on and off social media. So, you want to be a social media influencer/content creation. Today we are talking about setting up Instagram for influencers and small businesses. Since you’ve gotten your instagram page up and you’ve told your friends about it, here’s where you go from there? This is the beginners guide on how to set your page up for success.
I am giving you 10 tips on how to make sure that your page tells us and brands exactly who you are and what you have to offer. Remember that setting up Instagram for influencers does not have to hard. Grab your notepad and let’s get started:
- Make Your Page Public: I don’t know how many times I’ve spoken to an influencer needing help and I go to look at their page and it’s private. How will a brand or your potential audience or client be able to find you when your page isn’t public. A private page is a personal page, not a brand page.
- Set Up Business Page: Once you’ve started your Instagram, go ahead and switch it over to a business page. You will need to have a facebook business page to link in order to switch. What a business page does is allow you to have analytics of your posts, how many people it reached, how many saves it got, how many people followed or unfollowed you, your demographics and so much more.
- Find your Niche: Now that your business page is set up, It’s time to sit down and come up with your niche. Your niche will define who you are and what you want you want your platform to focus on. If you travel for a living, your niche will be travel blogging and you will need to find out how you will differentiate yourself from other travel bloggers. Your niche is your category married with your story from your point of view. You can always add different interests to your niche and page as you grow. When you figure out your niche, you can start writing your bio.
- Write Out Your Bio: your bio is PRIME REAL ESTATE so make sure you use it wisely. It needs to tell me who you are in a soundbite format. Look at these examples of Instagram Bio’s and replicate them until you can come up with one you love.
If you look at these two bios you can see that one is for a blogger/content creator and the other is for a brand/business. The blogger Titispassion give you her nationality (Nigerian) her location (Atlanta) and she tells you a little bit about her life and her qualifications. She also gives you a way to email her and a link to go look at her website and other sites. The brand tells you what her clothing is and wha her brand embodies, a free gimmick, the location of her brand and ways to contact her as well as where to shop. These two are perfect examples of a well thought out bio. Let’s move on to more tips on setting up Instagram for influencers and small businesses.
5. Story Tell: Story telling is so important on this platform. Before you even begin, figure out what your story is and how you want to convey it. Story tell in your captions and on your stories. Figure out what problem you want to solve and how your page will solve it in a unique way. The more you can capture your audience through visual and written storytelling, the more you will grow and give value on the platform.
6. Creative Content: So, we have a great niche, popping bio and an open page for people to find us. Now it’s time to create content that will align with our niche and bio. Create content that is visually pleasing and tells a story. Plan out your content months or weeks before you go out to shoot and plan out your captions to match the visuals you will be putting out. And most importantly, keep putting out great content consistently.
7. Community Converts: Find other creatives in your niche and especially in your area and begin to form relationships with them. Community will always convert to growth, sales and people who will put your name in rooms you have never entered. Find the hashtag for your region and go into it and begin to message and support the women and men in your city/state. Find a group of women and help each other grow.

8. Join Influencer Platforms: Now that you have a popping page and have been consistent now it’s time to join influencer platforms that will allow you to pitch yourself and get some brand work under your belt. Now, when you are first beginning, the platforms may not pay, but you will have brand work to put on your page and give you leverage when it comes time to get paid brand work. I wrote a blog post on platforms to join and you can read it HERE!
9. Story Tell: Story telling is so important on this platform. Before you even begin, figure out what your story is and how you want to convey it. Story tell in your captions and on your stories. Figure out what problem you want to solve and how your page will solve it in a unique way. The more you can capture your audience through visual and written storytelling, the more you will grow and give value on the platform.
10. Always Learn: Instagram is always changing and you don’t want to fall out of touch so be a student. Be a student of Youtube and Google and research Instagram’s new features and changes so you are always ahead of the game. Follow websites like Later to keep on top of all that’s happening in the social media realm.
These are just the bare bones of setting up Instagram for influencers and small businesses. I wanted to give you simple step-by-step tips on how to begin and then begin to maximize your time on social media. Please remember that nothing great was built in a day and consistency is KEY. Find me on Instagram and don’t be afraid to slide in my DM if you have any questions.
If you have any other tips you want to add, go ahead and comment below.